So I have had the same white ikea dining room table for years and.... I still love it.
The chairs on the other hand have to go. I am having a hard time deciding what kind of chairs to get and I just cant. I worked a wedding last summer at this amazing house on Lake Washington and in the dining room was a long wood table and 10 different chairs. I loved it! Thinking no that buying one chair at a time will be way easier on the pocket (which currently is empty), and a easy transition.
I am liking all of these
ahhhh so many!
Just uncovered these sweet photos of the berries (my nieces ) and I on my most recent trip home. Ohhhhh I love them sooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
its impressive we could all fit in that little thing
Where have I been? Well on impulse I went and growned up! Yes I signed up for school. I have no idea what I am doing, but I am in my first quarter and taking 10 credits. It is so fucking time consuming. It is really difficult because I have been out of the game for so long, and there is a chance I take everything toooo seriously. Oh! you would not believe the emotions I go through on a day to day basis. Or maybe you could. Anyways the Sunday prior to my first day of school Dream Boat and I went to the state fair! I did not anticipate it being as much fun as it was. Which seems so silly now as it combines so many things I love !!!!! CAMELS! ICE CREAM! ROLLER COASTERS! FRIED FOOD ! CAMELS ! BABY ANIMALS ! CAMELS !!!!!!!
Upon moving out of my Babe Pad I found a disc my Mom had given me a whole back labeled "Photos of your Dad". Here are some of my favorites.
I think we forget sometimes that our parents were people. People that had lives before us. Even though a huge part of their lives were being our parents.
My Mom Was/Is so pretty. It looks effortless too
And here is a photo of my gramma, looks like something right out of Time Magazine
Gonna try and bite this style this week, using items I already own.... because I have no other option! Student Life! whaaaaa
Oh yes I am back in school! Which is why I have no time. More on that later