Thursday, August 13, 2009


They are my new Obsession!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I drink one every morning now and find myself in the best of fucking moods!  The best part is.... Josh gets home before i do most days and washes the blender for me! In a new effort to avoid soy (processed soy , tempeh and miso are still ok) I have been researching alternatives. So happy to have found almond milk and hemp milk! they are so much better for you, no Gmos, and oh so yummy.
So my new fave smoothie creation is...

Almond chocolate kinda tastes like a milkshake/cookie
 (if you remember take banana out of freezer at least 20 minns prior to making smoothie, you will have a easier time getting the peel off. Otherwise you will be standing over the sink jerking off a icicle, it feels so wrong)
1-frozen banana
1 cup almond milk
5 tbps choclate HempShake by Nutiva
2 tbs Almond Butter

blend blend blend 
soooooo yummy. my camera needs batteries so now photos on my yummy creation!
I want one now!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds delicious! I heart almond milk, there is oat milk out there too that is pretty good. I peal my bananas when they are really ripe, break them in half and put them in a freezer bag. That way, you don't have to worry about tugging at the peal of a frozen nanner.
