Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Converse Outsider

Cute or Gross?

It is so hard to find men's boots with out getting tooooo what is the word "booty?"
Boots are quite the necessity in this town and water proof with good traction is even better.
Wonder if these would pass the test. Men have it so hard when it comes to shoes


  1. they're pretty cute! men DO have it hard with shoes.

    I just got dave some Frye boots and he is in heaven. these ones:
    i think he likes feeling like a cowboy.

  2. Those are really cute! I would wear them but, maybe that isn't a good thing.

  3. i'm with mb, i'd wear them too. though, josh can wear them also :) they kinda look like converse..slightly.

  4. err, they are converse. i should read more.
